FM 200 is a clean agent fire suppression system commonly used to protect high-value assets and critical equipment. It is a popular choice because it is safe for people and the environment and extinguishes fires quickly without leaving residue behind. However, it is essential to understand when to consider FM200 refill to ensure that it continues to provide adequate protection.

FM 200 system refill schedule:

The refill schedule for an FM 200 system depends on several factors, including the size of the system, the environment it is protecting, and the manufacturer’s recommendations. Typically, FM 200 systems should be inspected and serviced annually by a qualified technician. The technician will check the system’s pressure, verify that the system is in good working condition, and refill the system if necessary.

In addition to annual inspections, there are other situations when you should consider refilling your FM 200 system:

System activation:

If your FM 200 system is activated, even partially, it must be refilled. The system’s pressure will drop, indicating that some agents have been released. Once activated, the system can no longer protect the protected area until recharging.

System modification:

If you modify your FM 200 system by adding or removing components, you must refill the system. Any modification can affect the system’s performance and the number of agents needed to protect the area.

System age:

Over time, the components of an FM 200 system can wear out or need to be updated. If your system is over ten years old, consider refilling or upgrading it to ensure that it provides adequate protection.

System discharge testing:

If your FM 200 system has been discharged for any reason, you will need to refill the system. This includes testing the system to ensure it functions correctly or avoids accidental discharge.

FM 200 is an effective and safe fire suppression system, but it is essential to understand when to refill it to ensure that it continues to provide adequate protection. Annual inspections, system activations, modifications, system age, and discharge testing are when you should refill your FM 200 system. Work with a qualified technician to ensure your FM 200 system is properly maintained and refilled according to manufacturer recommendations. Refilling your FM 200 system on time will ensure it remains ready to protect your assets and equipment from potential fires.